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Friday 3 June 2011

Code No: 030 New Brand Organic Green tea Hp.81960872

Pls Call Hp: 81960872

Singapore's No.1 Organic Green Tea: Newbrand Organic Green Tea 新品有机绿茶: 新加坡首屈一指的有机绿茶

Organic Green Tea is dubbed as the Natural Elixir of the 21st century, many research institutions have scientifically confirmed the immeasurable health benefits of organic green tea. Its medicinal properties have been shown to be therapeutic. Produced in pollution-free high mountainous area, we grow our organic green tea without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Newbrand Organic Green Tea is organically-certified by leading US, EU, Japan and China organic agencies.

Oprah Winfrey's Green Tea DietAs with so many sky-rockets to fame, the Perricone Prescription -- more widely known as the green tea diet -- came to the world's attention on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah's guest was Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of several books, including the Perricone Prescription that detailed the medical research behind the astonishing fat burning properties of green tea and green tea extract

During his appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Perricone stated that substituting coffee with green tea could produce weight loss of 10 pounds in 6 weeks. Incredulous as it sounds, is it really possible to lose weight with green tea alone? According to Dr. Perricone (as well as numerous medical research studies), green tea and green tea extract contain phytonutrients that perform at least 3 functions in the body that promote weight loss

Soak your body in a warm"organic green tea-filled" bathtub for half an hour, the experience is so refreshing and invigorating. Children who have hand-foot-mouth disease can also try it to deal with the disease. (Use a piece of cloth to wrap up the organic green tea leaf to prevent a clogged tub drain).
Lastly, don't throw away the organic green tea leaf after serving, use it as organic fertilizers!!!

 To prevent cavities and gum diseases, just chew 3-4 pieces of raw organic green tea after you've taken your breakfast, blend it with your own saliva to reduce the taste of mild bitterness (use your front teeth to bite it for a couple of minute). You will hardly see dentist for the rest of your life and your spouse won't complain the issue of bad breath to you anymore
And remember to use pure and 100% chemical and pesticide-free organic green tea leaf for the above-mentioned health tips!

The Most Natural & Best Way To Stay Healthy! Spore No.1 Pure Organic Green Tea

Newbrand Organic Green Tea is Singapore's No.1 Pure Organic Green Tea, it is available at Guardian, Watsons & Selected Organic Stores and TCM.
Interested to be a local marketer or overseas distributor? Please feel free to contact us to be our Health Ambassador Hp: 81960872

Organic Green Tea is dubbed as the Natural Elixir of the 21st Century, many renowned leading research institutions worldwide have scientifically confirmed the immeasurable health benefits of green tea, its medicinal properties have been shown to be therapeutic. Because of its rich health properties, green tea is always used as an ingredient for many other products – green tea toothpaste, green tea ice cream, green tea cake, green tea shampoo, green tea skin products, just to name a few. What is so unique and special about green tea? Green tea is unfermented tea which is minimally oxidized; therefore, the nutrients and health benefits of the tea leaves are more well-preserved, thus, green tea drinkers absorb more health ingredients like Polyphenols and Catechins from the tea leaves. Nowadays, green tea is ranked as No.1 natural product for good health. Other teas are picked, dried by a process commonly called "withering", rolled or broken which induces oxidation. Oxidation removes most of the necessary nutritional values from the tea. Oxidized teas are called black teas and most of the tea we drink in Singapore is considered black tea, English Breakfast tea is typical of black tea; Chinese, Korean and Japanese sometimes refer to black tea as “red” tea. Because of the process used to make black tea, most of the antioxidants that are proven to provide health benefits are inevitably removed which is why green tea, still antioxidant rich, is considered healthier

你可否知道在众多茶类中绿茶是最有益健康的?而绿茶的好处更延伸到其它产品如:绿茶牙膏、绿茶沐浴露、绿茶洗发精、绿茶面膜、绿茶面包、绿茶雪糕等等,而参入绿茶成份的饮料更是不计其数!为什么绿茶如此受欢迎呢?其实原因很简单,绿茶属于“无发酵茶-Non-Fermented Tea”,而且在加工过程中仅产生了极少的氧化作用,因此顾名思义,绿茶是绿色的,茶叶中的营养成分如儿茶素(Polyphenols)及茶多酚(Catechins)等都能够大部分被保留了下来。同样的茶叶能够制造成普洱茶、红茶和绿茶,但仅有绿茶被称为是21世纪最自然和有效的健康饮品

Pls call my Hp: 81960872

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